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Haggar - USA

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60 External Comments

Tomorrow night, magical brownies, sammy haggar concert, south lake tahoe, STOKED! (Casse*****)

Zero Dante and Chris my team but I traded chris for Wolvie. I likes. I'm trying to work with cap haggar and hulk (Shortd******)

Bait Phoenix into a mach speed, air switch out to hulk or haggar and she's toast. (MaximoL******)

If u think ur as good ur on PCP/ and ur chick is on my pipe like its PVC/ and I hit her wit it harder than Haggar on MVC -downlopaz (Downl****)

No sedano. I will not wear Haggar pants to a tailgate. I'm not a 60 year old who shops at JC Penney (Kevin*****)

Ooo, 3 Lock Box Sammy Haggar. I always thought Sammy was better without Van Halen. Maybe it's just me? (La3***)

Hell, the Tasky/Haggar/Ryu team is literally the only non Wright team I've ever used (_ChaseT*******)

I definitely try that, but in tournament the nerves still get to me. Sometimes I pray not to get both Haggar and Hulk killed :P (KaneBlue*******)

I love my douche. all the best in mocks tomorrow. i love you more than my douche haggar (Nyago*****)

I found a way with Haggar, Spencer, and Frank on anchor but you have to use two meters, one for haggar and one for spencer (John_V******)

I wish politicians fought instead of debated. Mike Haggar would easily win the presidential race. (Themi*****)

I paid Haggar in Taco Bell. You better be willing to compromise in potato salad. (Whoo_*****)

GREAT day going door to door with Rep Haggar and Don Haggar! There is a lot of excitement for our candidates, esp among independents! (Dmbl***)

Guy and Cody. And Mayor Mike Haggar ready on the phone to take care of any legal inconveniences. (Sept****)

Another disturbing dream: I was in a fight to the death against Thor, the Hulk, the Joker and Mike Haggar. I had to use Ian Wright as a club (RyanR****)

True, it is. I'll go by the apple ;) If you haven't already, look up the lyrics for Rock Candy by Sammy Haggar (The_An******)

Does Haggar Fuzzy you on wake up? It'll be difficult otherwise. You could slide out depending on the character. (ChromeAl*******)

Clearly the Giant Metal Pipe from Final Fight. Haggar doesn't leave home without it. (JakeH*****)

Came to the conclusion that the reason why you're bad at Marvel 3 is that you're not playing Haggar. Hulk, Haggar, sentinel (TheZero******)

He's got my vote easily. Haggar was the originator of the Cash for Clunkers program via lead pipe OhhMyGod!! (DJMicha*******)

Does anyone else feel like Ron Swanson is a retired Mike Haggar from Final Fight? (Deathb******)

Yeahh fs sqn, that's 398 right? And yeah ikr?! They've left now :( I just saw a haggar lookalike too (Tug***)

If vanilla was still around Dante Haggar Jean would prob be what i would play :( (IFC_Ric*******)

Giant nerd question: if you were making a final fight movie and had to cast a wrestler as mike haggar, who would it be? (Karmi****)

Everytime I feel horrible I just jump on UMVC3 online and play Hulk/Sentinel/Haggar. (Yays***)

Just realized that now when I wear a suit I look like Sammy Haggar at a funeral. (BigH****)

Yo yo my names Jack Haggar yo yo analing Matt every morning yo every night yo (JakeG*****)

I'd be awesome if half of tonight's debate was dedicated to Van Halen: David Lee Roth or Sammy Haggar (Adamk*****)

I count it as anyone who can fill up a whole screen and force a speed guy into a corner. Hulk, Sentinel, Haggar. Dante can count. (DeanCan******)

I dunno try neutral teching and hitting a light? I don't know much about haggar but that's what I've read (TheDuk*****)

Project X Zone has too many characters with swords. Where's Klonoa. Guntz. Bayonetta. Sonic. Haggar. Viewtiful Joe, ect? (Omega****)

Mccants got on haggar khakis and a fruit of the loom black tee! dawg. life can't be that rough now. it just can not be (Shiii*****)

Top tier assists sure to be picked. Sentinel force is amazing too. Tron and Haggar assist in MVC3 almost made people cry (KDo***)

Last character is wesker, haggar does body press, I do the smart thing & do Weskers counter super. Haggar STILL hits me! O_O (Riders******)

ThePush Bard Haggar (Visigoth) complained to Helga (Hottie):there's nothing left remarkable 'neath the visiting full moon, gone a'plunder. (Theal*****)

I almost bought a pair of Haggar slacks plain front dark forest green 34 W 34 L . but I'm not old enough yet to wear them. (Tpr***)

Just bought a nice pair of haggar slacks at a bobs stores in ct. Thanks to fej for that (Brab***)

Oh man I'm so rusty xD can't even do my Haggar or Taskmaster combos properly :( (_ChaseT*******)

Thunder win. halo 4. skyfall premiere. haggar. awake since 5am. crack. so stoked on life right now. (Joisv*****)

Went to examine a picture of a blonde in an album cover from a jukebox thinking it was a hot girl. Turns out it was Sammy Haggar. (MarkF****)

Thor/pw/hsien-ko might actually be a better team than my main team pw/shehulk/haggar. but i'm staying honorable to my original team. (RocT****)

DidYouknow in 1926, J. Saleen founded while J. M. Haggar founded The Haggar Clothing Company. (EdnaAt*****)

Who has a good opening vs wolverine? I think he goes 5-5 with Vergil, and wesker and spencer and that Hulk and haggar do well against him. (DeAnt****)

I dont know how to get out of it with my team. i think both tron and haggar eat it, doom i need to airdash- xfc- tech airthrow (Peasant******)

Think I may have actually found a new team in Haggar/Shuma/Arthur. MODOK/Shuma/Arthur is also great. (TheMrBu*******)

Have you seen the Frank, MODOK and Haggar team on Iplaywinner?? can't remember who plays it but it's pretty awesome (AntonyJe*******)

Garth: first music I ever heard Haggar and Jones. I knew better than to change my Dad's radio (CherylP******)

Abraham was probably thinking about Sara when he had sex w/Haggar&then Haggar had a boy. MaYbE he thought about Haggar when he had sex w/Sara (SunShin*******)

Building rubble been removed that was left on open space haggar st/ strode rd resident had left while fencing put up vp (Blakenh******)

Make sure haggar and spencer both wear leopard pants. That's the most important part of that duo. (Thealext*******)

Use visual cues, I'm getting the hang of it. Haggar/Spencer/Sent w/drones sounds like a promising team. (KaneBlue*******)

That video you linked me was ridiculous btw. i had no idea haggar could combo like that. (Thealext*******)

And yeah THC probably isn't that great, but it looks so cool. haggar coming down while strange picks them up. (Thealext*******)

Awesome! seriously thank you for the tips! i'll try to do that combo and work on my haggar. its all still very young. (Thealext*******)

Your team doesnt have that much synergy, I'd put a Haggar in place of frank for defense, you can also TAC into phoenix Objection (Cloa****)

Well, there's a lot you can change. The Haggar part can be vastly optimized, and you can get better damage at the end. (KaneBlue*******)

I would love it if Sammy Haggar started a super group with a shredding guitar player, freakin SOLID drummer, and a bassist he was comfy with (Daniel*****)

I have 1 opening for you though. You would be teaming up with an Wolverine/Hulk/Vergil and a Haggar/Sentinel/Wesker. (Metalb******)

Something always interesting happens when we go to a game. Canada Night, Sammy Haggar decides to show up for no reason (Aprin****)

Well I've never thought of Haggar as anything other than a slave who did what many female slaves did back then. (Orig_Gl******)

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