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60 External Comments

Scuba gear: snorkeling scuba dive mask fins dry snorkel gear set, s (ScubaN******)

Tried egg & avocado oil hair mask last night. it add super shine, is cheap, and easy! see my blog for directions and try it 4 urself (Morriso*******)

Da riot control canister I had for gas mask ws recalled. wow, apparently it leaks. jajaja gd thng i hvnt hd a need 2 use it. (Rober*****)

Hair mask, lauren conrad's book LA candy, a plushy blankie & my hello kitty is what's god. (Sarahd*****)

Heading to Coco Bongo !! A little statue of the mask in front of it haha !! (7mo***)

Yay, got the creepy hair out of the African mask looking pendant I got at an estate sale. (SaintM******)

My african mask for ms. mckinney seems like it belongs to a mardi gras parade instead. (Twabi****)

Our first zooms is a mask, shaped like a sawfish. The Bijago from Guinee Bissau wear this mask horizontally, attached to the forehead. (Afrika******)

Nowplaying ~ Stuart Chatwood ~ The Mask Sanctuary ~ Prince of Persia Warrior Within Original Soundtrack (VGRa***)

Tyson sayin us wearing green we might as well wear. Kkk mask n b called clayton bigsby (LLco****)

View adverbs with suspicion. If they mask an impotent verb, get rid of both and find a better verb. Walk proudly = strut. Hat tip: Logan :-) (Scribe******)

I usually sleep in silk boxer briefs or BUTT NAKED wit a robe. so imma just wear that to pajamajam maybe bring a sleep mask. ;) (Jtoll*****)

I can't take this anymore! Never getting sick ever again! Extra precautions will be taken: From now on I'm not going outside without a mask (Merk***)

My permanent smile is a mask. You might think I like you! But underneath it I don't! Remember me Benny Blanco from the bronx (Harveyo*******)

Lovehurts Stop fighting your demented twin as were all afraid beneath this mask of skin, (pau mau 1357 ad) (Subsid*****)

Thanks guys mixed response on the sleep/eye mask debate. Here's another one. Why would one use one? (Nyr**)

It's making me pissed today~ treat her gd if u wanna b friend w her dun wear a mask on it . I lost btw. To someone ~ (Hainingr*******)

Widespread winter storms in February may mask underlying demand. Some closings were simply postponed by winter storms. activity. (Estc****)

It's like a mask I put on every morning and no one notices its presence (Delw****)

Non under tons of weight of non crashable material iron-- padded & with emergency kit built in oxigen mask (ElyBa*****)

Everyone is going for the mask party tonight. *close my eyes* i ain't going! (Teriyaki*******)

I watched 1960's The Mask of Satan or Black Sunday last night. Worth watching if you like your old gothic horror films, but is predictable (Amanda******)

Got the catering equip. got the grub. got my mask & frock. got the birthday girl! happy birthday jules! love you. x. (Jes0****)

My face mask looks like someone threwnup on my face bt the results of it are amazing (MrzMeh*****)

Doing some research. Would one say "sleep mask" or "eye mask" for one of those things you put on your face to block out light? (Nyr**)

Dont get this whole face mask business at all. does the fact that the DJ Wears one mean that it is a hipster thing? (Paul_k*****)

Hu~ time for scrub & mask before heading out !~ come on babeh~ gimme some whitening & magic effect!~ (Jade****)

Hahah I was cleaning my face and put a cream mask on and my son walks in the bathroom and says "what the?! Your a ghost mommy!" Hahahah (CB0***)

Looking forward to what sis bought in taiwan :D She said she bought me a alibaba pants which sg sure dont have, 32 mask pieces, (Redpepp******)

Is as bored as a midget in a theme park.. plus hating my face mask . (90ra****)

A broken soul with just a strand of love to show the world, Became a heartless child that holds a mask to her face. (Taysuff*******)

My brother's mask is now complete. i'll be the chick in safari gear with a kid with a paper bag on his head at chchgeddon tomorrow. say hi. (Altera*****)

Sometimesiwonder If the mask and make up is a sign that women aren't real with themselves or the world (Jama***)

I'd forgotten how good The Fugees were. Fav tracks are "How Many Mics" & "The Mask", but whole of The Score album is tres excellent. Bing! (Markr****)

Son of the Mask: A terrible film that nowhere near lives up to a surprisingly inventive concept. Also, Loke is NOT Odin's son! 2/6 (Watchin******)

Yesterday, used a Lush face mask & sweated tons in class, which apparently worked magic: James asked if I'd woken up early & put on makeup. (Kimberl*******)

Panini make-up lady chips in that she will be taking plenty of 'cover-up' to mask JT's love bites. She then returns to Nev's face. (KaiW****)

There is no need to mask my frailty because you see the real me, im broken but you are great and you have your hand in my life!! (Tine****)

Doing a little Spring cleaning, washing my hair with an Arbonne hair mask and heading out to babysit later! Today is a good day. (Tavia_******)

They just rushed some old asian man out of the W in a stretcher onto an ambulance with the oxygen mask. he probably had a heart attack. (Og_al****)

Mister Huet, your rockin' goalie mask cannot stop the shots of the Mighty Mighty Mike Commodore! (DarkBlu*******)

My day is very blessed so far. waking up to boyfriend with a hockey goalie mask on his face is always fun! ;-) and i'm going to windsor! (Cla**)

Screw that. If I had an injury and had to wear a cage, I'd wear a full-on goalie mask! (Scottc*****)

Dave Wilson's goalie mask has the Wilson from "Castaway" painted on. Just one more thing that bodes well for Maine. (Prescot******)

Looking for a goalie mask! Just got on our local hockey team!! Any ideas on how i should custom it? (ScottB*****)

I would do the girly thing & a pic of me in a facial mask but I really do look so ridiculous since its a little big for my face :/ (Analo*****)

Gee thanks danielle for losing my eye mask, only the most important thing for a good nights sleep. (SickNas*******)

My hotel room: two rooms, very modern design, zebra print robes, provided eye mask. i think this is too much for me. (Thesp*****)

Need new curtains! These ones pour light in way too early! My eye mask gives me bags! Its a new day though :) gonna go c my sis and nephew. (Rochel******)

Thank god I brought my eye mask :| sunlight is ouchy! Don't like my mums take on giving no sympathy for the hungover kid :( (Andra*****)

Don't think i should be wearin this eye mask while these candles are still burning. (Buurri*****)

I need to get a sleeping eye mask thing it's so bright in my room in the morn. (Navik*****)

Think that no matter how many sheets of eye mask wouldn't make much difference bcuz of all the late nights spent :x (Chriss*****)

Dear "don't disturb" eye mask. just wanted to say. i love you. that IS all. (Kasi***)

Rotting in bed with my eye mask. Spacing out to love songs on Class 95.. Corny dedications.. Love (Go**)

Using eye mask again. Yay. But it makes me feel like drinking soya milk. Haha (Ila***)

He came home from work and gave me a foot massage and he got me this amazing eye mask massager just on the cool. I love my boo (Tek9Th*****)

I might just sleep with my eye mask, ear plugs and headphones in and pretend i am at titp again.. (Georgi*****)

Every time I come down to the sticks, I feel like an old-fashioned burglar with an eye mask and a bag of swag. (Thepaul******)

Trying unsuccessfully to clean my room. have ended up with a bleeding finger and a kamikaze headband/eye-mask to try and focus. not working. (AlexBe******)

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