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Mouse - USA

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60 External Comments

Laughing at myself as I use my plugged in mouse and keyboard with my netbook and thinking how I could hook it up to my TV monitor too. (Drha****)

I'm lovin my new bluetooth multitouch mac mouse. I can tell it's going to come in handy with my work, especially with the zoom feature! (AdamGr******)

Going the Mac Mini route for a home theatre. Adapters purchased. Anyone using a good air mouse? (Jeffca******)

I lov how nataleh can b cranky 1minute and once she hears mickey mouse on tv shes good. (Ilov***)

Madison is attentively watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. This is too funny. (Kfr**)

I just stay here with my compi , my homeworks . my keyboard , my mouse , and a cup of ice milk .. (Nonov*****)

Cooling pad. fan. handphone charger. mp3 charger. mouse at one time (Infern******)

You know you've been on the computer for way too long when you catch yourself trying to change the channel on your TV with your mouse (Bis**)

Haha amera and prince keep trying to steal my mouse =D they are soo cute. (Maddii*****)

Also used sweet potato dipped in peanut butter and half grape as deal sealer. We pretended to walk away and go to bed. Mouse not fooled. (WoodC*****)

Definitely just gave my computer in photo class a dinosaur mouse :-) (Zackz*****)

My new Apple Magic Mouse died yesterday, phoned Apple Support and a new mouse was delivered this morning. Very good service! (Hanz****)

Anyone know how to disable the touch pad on my laptop? Infuriating when I'm typing I knock it a lot and well I have a mouse so dont need it (Fallen******)

Bs: moving character is mouse-click only. a great disappointment. graphics remind me of fly for fun and r. o. s. e. online, cute and colorful. (Lynxia******)

Hmm. why is it that when a computer is slow, people feel compelled to click the mouse buttons harder? Does that really speed things up? :/ (Mat***)

I kind of love my new Apple mouse. It could possibly be the most comfortable thing I have ever wrapped my hard around to tap on for hours (Jessica*******)

Up early - was greeted to find a mouse in my dining room. It had the good sense to vacate promptly. (Frte****)

Magic mouse = best mouse experience (I'm tempted to make a joke about Richard Gere here. but I won't). (Hola****)

My mouse keeps hanging for unexplainable reasons, but there is some weird connection with an unrecognized USB device (Lime***)

Make everyone happy/mechanical birds by Modest Mouse, album: this is a log drive for someone with nothing to think about. :D look it up. (Icanha******)

Type google. cn and get loaded with google. com. hk. The cat and mouse game get into next level. (Syam***)

My wireless mouse just died. and I don't have any replacement batteries! Boo. (JLW2***)

My little netbook ACER AO532h with my new Sharp 42" 1080p tv via RGB cable gives full HD 1920x1080, controlled by wireless keyboard+mouse. (John****)

Network, Media, Mouse preflets and Print Server Japanese localization in progress (Kokit*****)

If your interested in hearing something circa of montreal, at the drive in, modest mouse, death from above, check out royal bangs! x (FLASHBA******)

Just got a Logitech Wireless Mouse. Livin the Dream, Livin the Dream (Ryant*****)

Wet! Bought my logitech wireless mouse! Yay! Can't wait to try it out on my tv! (Syl***)

Powerpc g5 2.2 ghz dual processor (i think) - 2gb ram - no keyboard/mouse - 80gb hard drive - super drive dvd-rw (JoeS***)

Where the heck are my A batteries, my mouse is blinking slowly and driving me crazy (Psych****)

Argh! forgot to bring A batteries for my mouse, now its running flat. ARGH (Workin******)

I think a fly just caused a mouse-click on my HP Touchsmart, is that possible!? (Scree*****)

Can someone please explain this suicide mickey mouse video? i'm at work. (ElSt****)

Our Ikea saga yesterday garnered us: 1 x fluffy rat/mouse toy, 2 x carpets, 4 x dining room chairs, a tall mirror, 4 x cushions for chairs (Liz**)

Trying to color my doodle digitally. dang. it's so hard. esp. when u're using mouse. i need a graphic tablet (Tootsi*****)

It would be more fun if my computer actually did blow up. But just the mouse, keyboard, sound card, and wireless card crapped out. PC-less (DaveHu*****)

You're supposed to kill the mouse, not let it go under the tv stand. (Mu**)

I just tried to kill a fly on my computer screen with my mouse cursor. (Man***)

And 2. There was a mouse inside the back of the trash compactor. It got squishied. gross. Now that I made you vomit. NIGHT! (Jessica******)

I had a funeral for mouse 1 and mouse 2 this morning. I then proceeded by throwing their little corpses in the garbage compactor. (Kim***)

Prize purchased for Mouse Droppings' Toy Story Mania Meet at Westfest. are you going? (TheEs*****)

Just saw the cutest mouse at the Sonic parking lot. I fed him a bit of my fry :3 hope all of you FWA kids are having fun. (JakT****)

Still haven't found another Mickey Mouse toothbrush holder, so I guess I'll start on dinner. (Micke*****)

My daughter just broke my Mickey Mouse toothbrush holder, now I have 2 go on eBay to see if I can find another one. she's going to pay 4 it. (Micke*****)

Plugged in power and projector to a new Mac Mini. immediately worked with wireless keyboard/mouse. impressively easy as usual with Apple (La**)

I sometimes wonder if it's possible to make a laser/infrared mouse that works on a glass desk. A mousepad just seems so archaic. (Rsha****)

Ubuntu Karmic + EPC 10H + scroll = System - Preferences - Mouse - Touchpad - Scrolling - Two-finger scrolling (Ash***)

Since when does Angelina Ballerina have a skinny waist? She's supposed to be a plump little mouse! (LadyRos******)

Trying to play this game with a laptop and no mouse is very difficult. Good Morning/Night! (Patrick*******)

Bom dia + coca cola com gelo Mickey Mouse :) Hope yall have a great day! (Juga***)

I want those mickey mouse glasses that beyonce and lady gaga wear when they kill people in paparazzi and telephone. (Frisco******)

Uh. does anyone else know the Hot Dog dance? Mickey Mouse just taught me! Hot dog! Hot dog! Hot diggity dog! (Imna***)

WOke up ta mickey mOuse clubnhse playin On ma televisiOn. lOl. dis shOw sO gay. (ErrikaM*******)

Verizon tech is here, replacing all my DSL wiring. while singing the Mickey Mouse song. That can't be good. (Sta***)

Waking up to Mickey Mouse shaped waffles. We need Goofy shaped bacon. (Hard***)

Just finished putting a bed together. Can't believe that the mickey mouse screw driver that was provided to screw the joins. (Mbain****)

Eerytime I vet a dropped call I start Antony the hot dog song from Mickey mouse, " dropped call, dropped call." (Crayz****)

Hanging out with the brother and sister watching mickey mouse and friends. (Simrann******)

At Disney world and Mickey mouse definately just gave me a black man handshake (Kjame****)

Dropknowledge in 1933, Mickey Mouse, an animated cartoon character, received 800,0 fan letters. ((smh)) (Ashley******)

DontActLikeYouNever get scared of those characters in those costumes (i. e. mickey mouse, clowns etc.) (SHeSaF*****)

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